EU supported projects
Energy savings in the SILON Estate Industrial Park (formerly Czech Industrial Park)
In 2021, SILON CZ s.r.o. (formerly SILON s.r.o.) implemented a project focused on energy saving, dealing with:
- the use of waste heat on KL1 and KL2 technology in SILON CZ s.r.o. (former SILON s.r.o.), reg. no. CZ.01.3.10/0.0/0.0/20_370/0025587
The project aims to reduce the energy consumption of the company's production process. The project is therefore focused on the use of the waste heat from the compact line technology, reducing energy consumption and, thus, achieving environmental improvement.
The project is funded with EU support.
Energy savings in the SILON Estate Industrial Park (formerly Czech Industrial Park)
In 2018–2019, SILON CZ s.r.o. (formerly SILON s.r.o.) implemented a project focused on energy saving, dealing with:
- the use of waste heat from the air discharged from the synthetic fibre dryer through the addition of an air-to-air heat exchanger to preheat the intake air leading to this technology,
- upgrading the lighting of parts of the production areas by using more energy efficient LED sources.
The aim of the project is to reduce the energy consumption of synthetic fibre production technology and to reduce electricity consumption for lighting at selected workplaces.
The project is funded with EU support.
Energy savings in the SILON Industrial Park (formerly Czech Industrial Park)
Since 2014, SILON CZ Estate s.r.o. (formerly Czech Industrial Park s.r.o.) has implemented the following energy saving projects:
- In 2015–2016, the project of reconstructing transfer and control stations for heating and hot water preparation from steam to hot water at several buildings in the industrial production area, including the modernization of automatic control of these sources. The project also includes the creation of technical conditions for the replacement of technological steam cooking appliances with more efficient electric ones and the enabling of the decommissioning of uneconomical steam distribution systems. The project also additionally addressed the modernization of lighting in several parts of the industrial buildings on the site.
- In 2018 and 2019, the project of reconstructing the heat transfer station in the "HM" production facility, which is aimed at improving the efficiency of the condensate management, hot water preparation system and improving the thermal insulation of heat distribution systems and fittings.
The aim of the above projects is to reduce the energy consumption of selected buildings and their technical equipment.
The implementation of the projects is funded with EU support.